Thank you all for the most wonderful twelve years of my life—Primal is twelve years old! A dream that was forged in my garage, formed in the fires of Flanders—just ask anyone who worked out there in the old days, and honed in our home on Mira Mesa Blvd, in Scripps Ranch. On behalf of Chris and Daelen, I want to thank you all for making this journey with us.
Twelve years have not only brought to us nine home-grown black belts, they have brought us a growing family of students. Its time to meet this new opportunity head-on. PRIMAL NEEDS TO GROW—WE NEED MORE SPACE!

Space not only allows us more room to roll, it allows us better, safer training, more mat time and a facility of which we can all be proud.
PayPal Donation
Click Above 2020 Growth
Primal has been offered the opportunity to expand by taking over an adjacent office space. This will translate into:
More mat space
New mats and fewer obstructions
A full dressing room with storage for your belongings while you are training
A dedicated area for private lessons—and we will be expanding our private lesson program
Additional televisions for watch jiu-jitsu related material, review competition performances, and to entertain spectators
An expanded video library
A full seating area for visitors and spectators
A coffee/tea/juice/snack bar
Our new mat space will include a 30 x 30 area for training—that’s 900 square feet of training space; enough for 9 pairs to roll at the same time.
Our plan:
Remove the west wall and expand into the adjacent office space
Remove the two poles that restrict movement in the center of our current mat space
Lay down new mats—same type of cushy, springy floor
Repaint the entire academy a light, bright color
Remove the ceiling tiles and lift our ceiling
Add new recessed lighting
Incorporate a new entry, and visitors and spectator seating area
Add a space to enjoy juice, coffee, tea and snacks
Create a comfortable place to change into your kimono and back into your normal clothing
Create a space for staff, coaches and professors to manage Primal business
To make this a reality, we need your help

White Mats Base Color
New Paint Full Room White
Gym Make Over
Ladies Personal Space – Family Space – Sitting Area – Comfort zone
Men’s personal upgraded bathroom – dressing room – sports lounge
The “Donor Wall” is a huge part of knowing what a small school did as a team and what we accomplished to achieve this. Building our own, growing our own and achieving success on and off the mat.

What the Primal Vision looks, like is building thorough our personal Primal Network, the access to resource. Your Name, Your Business Name or Organization supporting community networking.
Jiu Jitsu is our safe and mutual space, yet it’s life depends on growth and bringing in new talent. This wall for all people can feel a connection, a support to the path we all have chosen to embrace.
Donations if you have already given, please fill out the coupon code name
“primal love” on your check out, this way your name goes on the wall forever. Thank you.
2020 Giving Back – Getting Your Name On the Wall of Fame…
Your Time is now what we have as a mock up and more to come.
We want your name, your company name on the founding wall.
30′ all white Vinyl Wall. Color Logo Sizes vary based on Donation. Look at our list of options.