My Name is Coach Shawn “Scar”
I have trained at Primal for ———–years.
I currently hold the belt rank of ——————-
How has training helped or other benefits from training?
What is your personal favorite reason you live a Jiu Jitsu lifestyle for you?
Please send back the following answers.
What would you like to give back as a black belt in Jiu Jitsu?
Do you have a technique you feel define your personal jiu jitsu?
Please share with us in video 3 techniques you love.
Please share this with as many people as you can, as often as you can. Lets reach people through our own network. Lets add the business support to reach our goals.
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Jiu Jitsu Business Community.
Today I would like to share with the people that matter the most, how much word of mouth and good people building other good people matter. I’m looking for 30 friends, family, Co- worker. 30 People to raise $1500.00 My personal pledge. Lets build a better Primal. Lets give back to people who value training the Mind, the Body and the Primal Way.
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